April 2024 in review

My monthly series

This is the eightteenth post in my Month in review series.

I had quite an exciting couple of weeks in April. There was two trips back-to-back: one flight to Charlotte (North Carolina), and one drive to Boulder (Colorado). My mind and my time was kept busy with a big project at work, aikido training, and as many dates with my girlfriend as I can.

I didn’t perceive time passing by. I’m grateful for these captured moments I share with you, as I also revisit them and admire the distances I’ve covered and experiences I’ve collected.

The theme of the month is: flash.

Month activities


Month favorites

  • Business trip in Charlotte, North Carolina.
    • Two days, visiting a client for a Quarterly Business Review.
    • I visited art museums on the last evening.
  • Aikido seminar in Boulder, Colorado.
    • My aikido teacher was at a seminar at One Dojo in Boulder, CO.
    • I went by myself by car, and stayed overnight in a motel.
    • It’s a 7.5 hour drive each way.
    • We had three 2 hour classes with 4 different teachers.
    • It was really nice, a great learning opportunity, and people were chill.
  • Dinner with friends.
    • We cooked a chicken ballotine.
    • I learned to spatchcock a chicken.
    • We drank wine and talked about art.
  • Little Spring day hike in the mountains with a couple of friends.
  • At work, I finished a program that took me 150 hours to write, over 4 months. It will be an important component for a big client project we’re working on. It has a 40 pages Design Document, 1600 lines of Python code, and a 31 pages Developer/Administrator/User manual.
  • Notes App Poetry night.
    • Friends come over for wine and snacks.
    • We all share poems from our notes app.
  • We listened to Mozart’s Requiem at The Lensic Permorming Arts Center, performed by Santa Fe Pro Musica.

Looking forward to next month

  • A trip to Montreal.
  • A big dance performance by Debarati’s dance company.
Alexandre de Verteuil
Alexandre de Verteuil
Senior Solutions Architect

I teach people how to see the matrix metrics.
Monkeys and sunsets make me happy.
