Image sorting helper script
As you know, I do all my file management with a CLI interface,
Midnight Commander
and scripts. It’s a slight challenge at
first to manage pictures and videos, but it turns out to be much more
efficient than a GUI as tools are learned and honed. It’s also more 1337
and future proof. Yeah, 1337.
# Cycle through all image files in a directory and prompt for a
# directory in which to move them. Useful for organizing downloaded pics
# after a 4chan, ffffound or other imageboard hunt.
# Copyright (c) 2011 Alexandre de Verteuil
# No restrictions. None.
VIEWER="feh --scale-down"
GIFVIEWER="gifview --animate"
f_view () {
# Spawn the appropriate viewer.
# Return 1 if not a supported file extension.
ext=${candidate##.*\.} # Get extension.
ext=${ext,,} # Lowercase.
case $ext in
jpg|jpeg|png) $VIEWER "$candidate";;
gif) $GIFVIEWER "$candidate";;
*) echo Skipping "${candidate}"...
return 1
for candidate in $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f); do
echo -----------------------------------------------------
# Show an image
f_view "$candidate" || continue
# Print available directories and prompt for a target.
# Rebuild list of dirs because dirs may be created in the process.
unset -v dirs
while read dir; do
echo $i: $dir
done < <(find . -mindepth 1 -type d -printf '%p\n' | sort)
echo "Move $candidate to..."
read -p " dir (New,Quit): " target
case $target in
""|"0") continue;;
n|N) read -p "New directory name: " dirname
mkdir -v "$dirname" && mv -v "$candidate" "$dirname"
q|Q|quit|exit) exit;;
*) if [ -d "${dirs[$target]}" ]; then
mv -v "$candidate" "${dirs[$target]}"
sleep 0.5s
Possible feature expansion include:
- subdirectory recursion
- multiple column output
- exploiting readline facility
- file renaming
I also plan using a file naming structure such as
where id
is a few random alphanumeric digits. This way, I can use a
database specifically for my pictures and multimedia
or I can just grep