Let's Encrypt on load balancers and reverse proxies with tls-sni-01

I’m working on a proof of concept at work to make our load balancers obtain and renew Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates. It has to work with both Nginx Plus and HAProxy on Ubuntu 14.04.

The easiest and most popular authenticator to use is http-01, for which the reverse proxy can simply override the /.well-known/acme-challenge location and serve it locally. However, some sites do layer 4 load balancing on port 80. Therefore, the webroot plugin is useless in those cases.

The tls-sni-01 validation method, while requiring a little more reading to understand, is quite simple and applies to every situation regardless of the load-balancing mode. And if port 443 is load-balanced at layer 4, then you wouldn’t be doing SSL offloading anyways.

To summarize tls-sni-01, the ACME server will challenge you to construct a self-signed SSL certificate with the token and validator values hashed and encoded into the serverAlternateNames of the certificate, which you must configure your server to provide during the TLS handshake with the SNI extension enabled.

This is exactly what Certbot’s Nginx authenticator does, but I also want to support HAProxy, hence why I started to write these scripts.

I will be using certbot’s manual plugin with --manual-auth-hook and --manual-cleanup-hook scripts. Our Ansible playbook will call certbot with the manual plugin for SSL certs that are not yet obtained. Certbot saves the configuration in /etc/letsencrypt/renewal so that certbot’s renew script uses the same parameters.

- name: check if nginx is running
  command: killall -0 nginx
  register: nginx_status
  ignore_errors: yes
  changed_when: no

- name: request certificates by tls-sni
  command: certbot certonly --cert-name {{ item.cert_name }}{% for domain in item.domains %} -d {{ domain }}{% endfor %} --non-interactive{% if letsencrypt_staging %} --staging{% endif %} --manual --manual-auth-hook /usr/local/bin/tls-sni-auth.sh --manual-cleanup-hook /usr/local/bin/tls-sni-cleanup.sh --manual-public-ip-logging-ok
      creates: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ item.cert_name }}
   with_items: "{{ letsencrypt_certificates }}"
   when: nginx_status|success

During the initial provisioning of a load-balancer, the letsencrypt role is run before the reverse proxy is installed because we want the SSL certificates to be ready by that time. To resolve the chicken-and-egg problem, I first check if the reverse proxy is already running. If not, then I use the --standalone plugin instead, and reconfigure the renewal to use the --manual plugin later.

- name: request certificates by standalone server
  command: certbot certonly --cert-name {{ item.cert_name }}{% for domain in item.domains %} -d {{ domain }}{% endfor %} --non-interactive{% if letsencrypt_staging %} --staging{% endif %} --standalone
    creates: /etc/letsencrypt/live/{{ item.cert_name }}
  with_items: "{{ letsencrypt_certificates }}"
  when: nginx_status|failed

- name: set the renewal authenticator to manual
    dest: /etc/letsencrypt/renewal/{{ item[0].cert_name }}.conf
    section: renewalparams
    option: "{{ item[1].option }}"
    value: "{{ item[1].value|default(omit) }}"
    state: "{{ item[1].state|default('present') }}"
    - "{{ letsencrypt_certificates }}"
    - - option: authenticator
        value: manual
      - option: manual_public_ip_logging_ok
        value: "True"
      - option: manual_auth_hook
        value: /usr/local/bin/tls-sni-auth.sh
      - option: manual_cleanup_hook
        value: /usr/local/bin/tls-sni-cleanup.sh
      - option: installer
        value: "None"
      - option: pref_challs
        state: absent

Environment variables provided by certbot –manual

CERTBOT_DOMAIN:      The domain being authenticated
CERTBOT_VALIDATION:  The validation string
CERTBOT_TOKEN:       Resource name part of the challenge

Additionally for cleanup:

CERTBOT_AUTH_OUTPUT: Whatever the auth script wrote to stdout


I haven’t implemented this part yet, but here is the concept.

A crt setting should point to the directory where this script will place the certificates. By reloading haproxy, certificates in this directory will be loaded to memory.


Nginx and Nginx Plus

A .conf file will be dropped in /etc/nginx/conf.tls-sni.d and included when nginx is reloaded. This will add an SNI enabled virtual server listening on port 443.

This is closely inspired by the nginx plugin to certbot.




This script assumes that the http{} block in your Ngnix configuration includes any .conf files in /etc/nginx/conf.tls-sni.d, which does not exist by default.



mkdir -p ${work_dir}/tls-sni

# SAN A/B (64 characters)
san_a="$(sha256sum <<< ${CERTBOT_TOKEN})"
san_b="$(sha256sum <<< ${CERTBOT_VALIDATION})"

# create dNSName in the following format: x.y.acme.invalid
# create dNSName in the following format: x.y.ka.acme.invalid

# create openssl configuration
cat <<EOF > ${ssl_config}
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
x509_extensions = v3_req
prompt = no

C = CA

subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid,issuer
basicConstraints = CA:TRUE
subjectAltName = @alt_names

DNS.1 = ${san_a_subject}"
DNS.2 = ${san_b_subject}"

# create openssl certificate
openssl req \
    -x509 \
    -nodes \
    -days ${valid_days} \
    -newkey rsa:${key_bits} \
    -keyout ${key_file} \
    -out ${cert_file} \
    -config ${ssl_config}

# Cleanup any old Nginx config files
rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.tls-sni.d/*

# Configure Nginx
nginx_config=$(mktemp /etc/nginx/conf.tls-sni.d/tls-sni-XXXXX.conf)
cat <<EOF > ${nginx_config}
server {
    listen *:443;
    server_name *.acme.invalid;
    ssl_certificate ${cert_file};
    ssl_certificate_key ${key_file};

# Check the configuration and reload
nginx -t
service nginx reload



rm -f /etc/nginx/conf.tls-sni.d/*



/usr/local/bin/certbot renew --quiet --non-interactive --post-hook "service nginx reload"


Testing a server:

To test whether a server is presenting the desired SSL certificate, you can use openssl s_client. For example:

openssl s_client -server localhost:443 -servername x.y.acme.invalid [-showcerts] < /dev/null

This will display the server certificate information. The -servername option and parameter sets the SNI extension in the ClientHello message. Redirecting stdin to /dev/null closes the connexion as soon as the TLS handshake completes.

See s_client(1) for more information.

Alexandre de Verteuil
Alexandre de Verteuil
Senior Solutions Architect

I teach people how to see the matrix metrics.
Monkeys and sunsets make me happy.
